
Our current family

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hi everyone..this is Liz!! I hope everyone had a blessed holiday!

Well...we wanted to share with everyone that we have filled out paperwork for special needs adoption. I had a lot of misconceptions about special needs. When I researched it, I realized they were not true. The big one is that I read that if you put in for special needs then you were pulled out of non special needs. AHH told me you do not make a complete switch until you choose a child. That has helped broaden our options!

Our family adovate emailed us last week and said China still was not giving them any answers on what referral group we are with. In fact, they told them not to ask again. I think they got up on the wrong side of the bed! :)

Please pray for the Steven Curtis Chapman family. My heart has been hurting for them with the loss of their daughter. Martin and I received a grant from their assistance program, Shaohannah's Hope, for our adoption. We are very thankful for their ministry and their love for orphans. The link is on our blog.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Liz went today a bought us a new kitchen table. She has wanted one for a long time. We moved the old one out and they are to deliver the new one tomorrow morning. It is fun getting new stuff.
We don't have any new news about our adoption but we have wonderful news about our friends. China has found their LOAs and everything is back on track for them. That is wonderful. Prayer does work. Continue to pray for us.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I am sorry that we have not posted for so long. We have been told that we are just to wait and see. Our agency has been in touch with China and they told us that we may be matched in the next few months.
One thing that has been on my mind over the last few days is how God works. I should say "when God works." God deserves all the glory. When all things seem grim and impossible, it is bright and possible for God. I think that we need to get out of the way and let God do His thing. In Matthew 6, God tells us not to worry. So far, I have not been very dependent upon God. We are going to pray and wait upon God.
Our friends that received their referal is having trouble and need your prayers. Their LOAs (Letter of Acceptance) has been lost. The mail went to the wrong place or something and now China in not happy. They are asking for letters of apology. They may be delayed months now in receiving new LOAs and their travel papers. You can check out their link from our blog under adopting friends and check out their journal.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hello All! We don't have the best news to report. We had AHH to send us all the emails that they got from China. With that being said, the news is not very good. In looking at them, we have came the conclusion that we came out of the review room three months later than the other people in our group. We will be matched with whatever group we were with when we came out. We do not know with what LIDs we are with so we don't know how much longer we will have to wait. According to RQ information, we are probably in the Feb.06 to Mar.06 LIDs. That is who came out of review in Feb. 07.
Like I said, not the best news to report. We do know one thing. God is in control and He can change outcomes. So please pray, pray, pray.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our agency could not find out any more information today. The CCAA would not say with what batch we have been put with. It almost feels like a step back from yesterday. Medication may be needed before we get through this.
We have talked to someone elso today and they say that this is just like what the CCAA does. They will not be pinned into giving anymore information. We did get the information that we would be in the next LIDs. Our agency will keep us updated weekly. They do not want to get them mad by checking daily.
It has already been 6 days since the last batch. June will soon be here and we can have hope. What do we do if we do not get a referral in June? We don't know. Continue to pray for us.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We did get some news today. Our agency has been in touch with China and they told us we would be in the next LIDs. They are not sure if we will be in the next referrals that are issued or the next ones that our agency has logged in. They were going to clarify the information tonight. The next LIDs that our agency has is around the 24 of January. I am really glad that we actually have a dossier there. I had some fear that it was lost or discarded.
Our agency did try to get them to issue our referral now but that did not happen. We will get the information tomorrow on what our wait may be. We have waited 28 months. All I can say is hurry home my daughter.
Please continue to pray for us.

Monday, May 5, 2008

We have no news to report yet. We have talked with our agency today and they are going to get in touch with CCAA tonight and then send us an email with whatever they find out, but nothing yet. They said that they could not reach anyone this morning. I guess since it was 12 hours ahead of us and it was in the middle of the night. So we are just waiting.
Our agency has frustrated us with this. We were told that they would be on our side this morning and we had to try all day to talk to them and then all they said was they will try tonight. So we are checking email and rechecking our email. Will we hear tonight? I hope so.
Continue to pray for us.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Well, we have almost made it through the weekend. Hopefully we will find out good news tomorrow. Liz said that she just wants to know something. I want to hear that the referal is there and we get her picture and information. I admit I am a bit pessimistic about the situation. I was looking forward to seeing our daughter so much that now I fear the worst. If the CCAA has us in a later LID or rejected us for some reason, what then? How much longer do we wait? They are sending referals for about 3 to 5 days at a time each month right now. If we are delayed one month, then that could take from 6 to 10 more months wait. We have already waited about 28 months. You can see what my thoughts are doing. I guess my mentallity is to hope the worst and then anything above that is that much better.
I have grown to love this little girl even though we have never met. I was the reluctant one entering this adoption process. But now, I have a longing to bring my daughter home. This not knowing anything is just dragging me down.
Liz keeps telling me and I try to tell myself that God is in control and everything will be alright. I have said previously in another post that God's will be done. Whatever we find out, God is still God and I will still praise Him. He forgave me of my sins by the blood of Jesus and there is no other but Him.
I ask everyone to continue to pray for us and Myli.

Friday, May 2, 2008

We don't know what to do. We got news today. Referals did come in, but ours was not in with the others. We talked with our agency and they do not know why. They looked into our file and everything is in order. So many things could have happened and our mind is racing. Of course it is Friday and we can not find out anything until Monday. We are just sick. What are we to do if the worst happens? We have waited for so long and now when it actually is our time we don't know anything. This was my fear, and it has happened. All we can do is pray, wait, and then make a decision with whatever comes our way. Please pray for us.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh my goodness. There is word out there that something is in the air. We may just have a referal tomorrow. It will most likely be Monday or Teusday if these are referals that are coming. We can almost see that stork in the distance coming in for a landing. Wow.